Development > Web Development > JavaScript

Modern JavaScript From The Begining

From Zero to Expert!

Learn and build projects with pure JavaScript (No frameworks or libraries)


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(26262 ratings)

85,541 students

Created by Brad Traversy


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This course includes:

21.5 hours on-demand video

12 articles

68 downloadable resources

Full lifetime access

Access on mobile and TV

Certificate of completion

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What you'll learn

Modular learning sections & 10 real world projects with pure JavaScript

Master the DOM (document object model) WITHOUT jQuery

Asynchronous programming with Ajax, Fetch API, Promises & Async / Await

Modern OOP: Classes, constructors, prototypal inheritance, encapsulation, etc.

Asynchronous JavaScript: Event loop, promises, async/await, AJAX calls and APIs

Modern tools for 2021 and beyond: NPM, Parcel, Babel and ES6 modules

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Build 6 beautiful real-world projects for your portfolio (not boring toy apps)

How to think and work like a developer: problem-solving, researching, workflows

Modern ES6+ from the beginning: arrow functions, destructuring, spread operator, optional chaining (ES2020), etc.

Complex concepts like the 'this' keyword, higher-order functions, closures, etc.

How to architect your code using flowcharts and common patterns

Practice your skills with 50+ challenges and assignments (solutions included)

Design your unique learning path according to your goals: course pathways